- FondoMT - Mario Testa
- SerieMS - Medicina social
- 46 más...
- 47 - Whats Does Chile Mean? An Analysis of Events in the Health Sector Before, During and After Allende´s Administration
- 48 - The Industrialization of Fetishim or the Fetishim of Industrialization: A Critique of Ivan Illich
- 49 - Work, Ideology, and Science: The Case of Medicine
- 50 - Historical Triumph: Capitalism or Socialism? Or Are The Rebellious Chinese Masses Asking For Capitalism?
- 51 - Capitalismo de estado e capitalismo
- 52 - O projeto preventivista e a noçao de subdesenvolvimento
- 53 - A democratizaciao da universidade
- 54 - O processo saude doença e suas interpretaçoes
- 55 - Saude Doenca e Sociedadea tuberculose -o tuberculoso
- 4 más...